C# .Net Quizz Dive into our tech quiz zone and put your technical skills to the test! Our quizzes cover a wide array of technical topics, perfect for sharpening your knowledge and challenging your understanding. Compete with others, see your rankings, and boost your technical proficiency. Start quizzing today! 1 / 29 1. Which of the following best describes the await keyword in C#? It creates a new task It pauses the execution of an asynchronous method until the awaited task completes It starts a new thread It runs a task synchronously 2 / 29 2. What will be the output of the following code?public class Program{public static void Main(){Thread t = new Thread(Print);t.Start();t.Join();Console.WriteLine("Main thread");}public static void Print(){Thread.Sleep(1000);Console.WriteLine("Worker thread");}} Worker thread Main thread Worker threadnMain thread Main threadnWorker thread 3 / 29 3. What does the Type.GetType method do? It creates a new instance of a type It gets the base type of a class It returns the type of an object It retrieves a Type object for a specified type name 4 / 29 4. What is the primary purpose of reflection in C#? To execute code at runtime To handle exceptions To compile code dynamically To inspect and interact with types at runtime 5 / 29 5. What keyword is used to allow a derived class to extend or modify the behavior defined in the base class method? new abstract override virtual 6 / 29 6. Which design pattern ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it? Adapter Factory Singleton Builder 7 / 29 7. What does the DbContext class represent in Entity Framework? The database schema The session with the database and allows querying and saving data The connection string to the database The database migrations 8 / 29 8. What will be the output of the following code?int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };var query = from num in numberswhere num % 2 == 0select num;numbers[1] = 0;Console.WriteLine(query.First()); 4 2 0 Compilation error 9 / 29 9. What is the primary purpose of the async keyword in C#? To mark a method as asynchronous To declare a thread To synchronize threads To define a delegate 10 / 29 10. Which of the following is a correct way to handle exceptions in asynchronous methods? Using Task.Run with try-catch Using try-catch within the async method Using await without try-catch Using Task.Wait with try-catch 11 / 29 11. What is the purpose of the AsParallel method in PLINQ? To convert a query into parallel execution To sort a collection in parallel To convert a query into sequential execution To filter elements based on a condition 12 / 29 12. What does the ConfigureAwait(false) method do in an asynchronous call? It cancels the asynchronous task It throws an exception if the task fails It ensures the continuation does not run on the captured context It ensures the continuation runs on the same thread 13 / 29 13. What will be the output of the following code?public class Test{public static void Main(string[] args){int x = 5;object y = x;y = 10;Console.WriteLine(x);}} 5 Runtime error 10 Compilation error 14 / 29 14. What is the primary purpose of the using statement in C#? To ensure the correct use of IDisposable objects To declare constants To include namespaces To manage threading 15 / 29 15. Which of the following is not a valid access modifier in C#? protected external internal private 16 / 29 16. What will be the output of the following code?public async Task<int> GetData(){await Task.Delay(1000);return 42;} public async Task PrintData(){int data = await GetData();Console.WriteLine(data);} Compilation error Runtime error 42 after a delay 42 immediately 17 / 29 17. What is the purpose of the Monitor class in C#? To abort threads To implement critical sections To manage thread priorities To create threads 18 / 29 18. What is the purpose of the dynamic keyword in C#? To define variables that can change type To create anonymous types To handle exceptions dynamically To enable late binding 19 / 29 19. Which keyword is used in LINQ to create a new anonymous type? from new var select 20 / 29 20. Which class in the .NET Framework provides a mechanism to schedule and execute background tasks? Thread ThreadPool Timer Task 21 / 29 21. What is the purpose of the lock statement in C#? To prevent a thread from being aborted To ensure that a block of code runs only once To create a new thread To provide a mechanism for mutual exclusion 22 / 29 22. What will be the output of the following code?Type type = typeof(string);MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod("Substring", new[] { typeof(int), typeof(int) });var result = method.Invoke("Hello, World!", new object[] { 7, 5 });Console.WriteLine(result); World llo, Hello , Wor 23 / 29 23. Which feature of C# allows the definition of methods that can be overridden in derived classes? Inheritance Abstraction Encapsulation Polymorphism 24 / 29 24. Which of the following is a deferred execution method in LINQ? Count() Where() First() ToList() 25 / 29 25. What is the primary benefit of the Dependency Injection pattern? Enhanced code reusability Improved testability and flexibility Reduced code complexity Improved code readability 26 / 29 26. Which of the following design patterns is used to convert the interface of a class into another interface that clients expect? Facade Composite Adapter Bridge 27 / 29 27. Which of the following is a use case of reflection in C#? Serializing objects Creating user interfaces Accessing metadata of assemblies Compiling code dynamically 28 / 29 28. Which design pattern provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes? Decorator Abstract Factory Prototype Builder 29 / 29 29. What will be the output of the following code?public class Singleton{private static Singleton _instance;private Singleton() { } public static Singleton Instance{get{if (_instance == null){_instance = new Singleton();}return _instance;}} public void Print(){Console.WriteLine("Singleton instance");}} public class Program{public static void Main(){Singleton.Instance.Print();}} Runtime error Compilation error NullReferenceException Singleton instance Your score is 0%